Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Конгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон
Ukrainian Canadian Congress HamiltonКонгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон


The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School is working together with the City of Hamilton to support and welcome Ukrainian arrivals to our community, and to assist families as they prepare to register their children in school.

Information on how to register your child in an HWCDSB school has been specially prepared for Ukrainian newcomer families and their sponsors, and provides a complete step-by-step instruction guide on the school admission process.

The information is available in both English and Ukrainian at the following link:

Through the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET), the Canadian government has granted emergency authorization for Ukrainians to enter into or remain in Canada and to attend a publicly funded school in Ontario without payment.

Learn more on the Government of Canada website.


CLICK HERE for registration information.

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