Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Конгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон
Ukrainian Canadian Congress HamiltonКонгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон

Ukrainians coming to the Greater Hamilton Area

Information for Ukrainian Newcomers to the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area (GTHA)
This document has been compiled by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress to provide information to newcomers about the GTHA.

It contains information on the various regions (Durham, Halton, Hamilton, Peel, Toronto, and York), along with contact information, websites, and phone numbers.

A wealth of resources and information is at your fingertips!

Download the file for assistance to get settled.
HUM-1223_Ukrainian Newcomer GTHA-6Panel-[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [2.0 MB]
Українці, що прибули до Великого Торонто й району Гамільтон (GTHA)
Завантажте файл, щоб отримати допомогу для влаштування
HUM-1223_Ukrainian Newcomer GTHA-6Panel-[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
Ontario Health Care for Ukrainians Arriving via CUAET
Welcome to Ontario. This contains important information for you to understand how to
access health care in Ontario. In Canada, health care is managed by each province or
territory. This guide and directory of services are designed to help you understand Ontario’s
healthcare system as you settle in. There are some key things that you should know about
health care coverage, health services like seeing a doctor, dentist, accessing medication,
mental health support, immunizations for school, and more.
Adobe Acrobat document [128.2 KB]

The ongoing crisis in Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion has forced Ukrainians from their homes and all they know, with little more than the clothes on their backs. At this time, over 6 million Ukrainians have had to leave Ukraine for their safety.


With this influx of Ukrainians to Canada, there are several processes to be followed upon their arrival to get settled.


If you are currently in the position of sponsoring a family, have recently arrived in the Greater Hamilton Area, or are planning to relocate, here are some resources to aid you through the process:


UCC.CA – Ukrainians in Canada

This page has been created by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress to search for settlement and resource information quickly and easily. The page is continuously updated with relevant information.



Red Cross Conflict in Ukraine

The Red Cross is in select airports across Canada to welcome Ukrainians upon arrival. Registration with the Red Cross ensures people have access to necessary information as they arrive and settle in Canada.


The Welcome Package contains a wealth of information from Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario to aid you during this transition period.


Welcome Package – Ukrainian

Welcome Package – Russian

Welcome Package – English

Welcome Package - French



Ukrainian Diaspora Support Canada

The Ukrainian Diaspora Support Canada is a federally registered Canadian not-for-profit organization assisting and supporting Ukrainians displaced by war. The UADSC helps with VISA applications, connecting Ukrainians with Canadian hosts, flights to Canada, settling Ukrainians into their new community, and more.


HMC Connections

For newcomers to Canada, HMC Connections will provide all necessary information, orientation to Halton, Hamilton, Ontario, and Canada; counseling, English language classes, conversation circles, access to employment, translation of your documents, managing your crisis, and more. Call to book your free consultation for assistance with all aspects of life in Canada: 905-842-2486.


Please note that UCC Hamilton is only providing this information for you as a resource.


For more information, or to ask questions, please contact Canada Immigration, the Red Cross, or the UADSC directly.


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