Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Конгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон
Ukrainian Canadian Congress HamiltonКонгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон


The Housing Help Centre is a non-profit social service agency providing housing access, stabilization, and eviction prevention.


They Can Help You to:

  • Find and maintain housing
  • Access subsidized and supportive housing
  • Understand your tenant rights
  • Prevent evictions

Accessing Services:
The Housing Help Centre is committed to delivering the highest quality support services to clients. Hamilton Housing Help Centre utilizes a rapid response model. Clients are no longer required to book an appointment to consult with a housing worker. Instead, a team of housing workers is available to serve clients on a drop-in or phone-in basis. By eliminating appointments their rapid response allows clients to communicate directly with a housing worker and be serviced immediately by a network of specialized housing workers.


The Housing Help Centre strives to ensure that all of their clients receive the timely and appropriate support services they need.


CLICK HERE for more information and rental listings.


With the cost of living in Canada rising throughout the country, understanding how much it will cost you to live in certain cities and provinces is a key factor in determining where to live. Your cost of living can include the costs of key necessities such as:

  • Housing
  • Food & Groceries
  • Transportation
  • Childcare

Housing costs include rent, electricity costs and communication service costs, all which vary depending on your province. Renting is also impacted by the type of home you rent. The type of homes we will cover in this guide are:

  • Bachelor style apartments designed for 1 person
  • 2 bedroom apartments designed for 2 people
  • 3 bedroom apartments designed for a small family of 3 or 4
  • Single family detached houses designed for 4 or more people

For food & grocery costs, this includes the average amount of money needed to feed you and your family, including food from restaurants.

For transportation costs, since gas and insurance are the most variable between provinces, this part will include different gas prices and insurance premiums for each city, along with the cost of maintenance.

Finally for childcare, it includes the cost of care for infants ages 0-2, toddlers ages 2-3, and preschoolers ages 3-4.

This guide is here to help you determine what these costs could look like for you within some of Canada's largest cities.

CLICK HERE to see the average costs for living in major cities across Canada.

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