Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Конгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон
Ukrainian Canadian Congress HamiltonКонгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон

Ukrainian Canadian Congress: Hamilton Branch

Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Branch was established in 1941 and at that time was called Ukrainian Canadian Committee Hamilton Branch. The main role of the organization was to oversee the Hamilton branches of the major Ukrainian Canadian organizations and represent Ukrainians on a local, national, and international level.


Today, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Branch is the voice of the Ukrainian community in Hamilton and the surrounding areas as well as support for Ukraine.


UCC Hamilton regularly organizes events, rallies, and awareness campaigns, preserving the history of Ukrainian culture and working towards a better future for the Ukrainian Canadian community in Greater Hamilton Area, as well as Ukrainians in Ukraine. 

UCC Hamilton is an umbrella organization to a number of other organizations in the local area.


For more information on the other member organizations, visit the COMMUNITY section of our website. Here you can also learn about our various committees, volunteering, and local parishes.


UCC Hamilton Executive Board and delegates are volunteers and comprised of representatives from the various member organizations. 

Click here for more informaiton on the National Canadian Ukrainian Congress.

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