Ukrainian Canadian Congress Hamilton Конгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон
Ukrainian Canadian Congress HamiltonКонгрес Українців Канади відділ Гамільтон

Burlington Subsidized Buss Passes

Getting around the City of Burlington is easy, especially with a subsidized Presto card (bus pass). 


In order to register for your pass you will require the following documents:


  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Entry Papers


Follow these steps to register for your pass today:


  1. Register here: Subsidized Passes for Low Income Transit
  2. Once complete, click on "submit"
  3. Buy a Presto Card
    • You can purchase a Presto card at the Burlington Bus Terminal (downtown at John & Pearl Streets) for $6.50.
  4. Register your card here: Activate Presto Card
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